Raspberry Pi2 (RPI2) MicroSD Card Installation
I have recently acquired a RPi2 single board computer for the purpose of developing open-source technological solutions. As such I thought it beneficial to share my experiences in an attempt to give a little back to the community.
This first post is simply about preparing your MicroSD Card for the operating system (OS). In this tutorial I will be installing the Raspbian OS from a MacBook computer.
1) Open a terminal window and type df -h take a note of what disks are available.
2) Insert your MicroSD Card into your Macbook and run df -h .You can see that my MicroSD card is located at /dev/disk2s1
(note: your path may be different).
3) Open Mac Diskutils and erase the disk as ExFat. Application, Utilities, DiskUtility
4) Go back to your terminal, type diskutil umountdisk /dev/disk2s1 (substituting for your own disk).
5) Know the location of your Raspian .img file. Mine is located in a sub-folder of downloads named rpi2.
We will mount the image onto the SDCard using the dd command:-
sudo dd bs=1m if=~/downloads/rpi2/2015-05-05-raspbian-wheezy.img of=/dev/rdisk2
This will take some time, you can press [Control] + [T] to check the status.
if=(the source of your image file) - ~/downloads/rpi2/2015-05-05-raspbian-wheezy.img
of=(the SD card) - /dev/rdisk2 (notice how we have omitted the partitions and used only the disk location.
/dev/rdisk2 - We have changed disk to rdisk.
6) Unmount the disk diskutil unmountdisk /dev/disk . Remove the card, insert into your Raspberry Pi.